
Bibliography links: [Google Scholar] [ACM Digital Library] [DBLP] [ORCID] [ResearchGate]


  • Wei, S., El Ali, A., Cesar, P., Freeman, D., and Rovira, A. (2025). Physiological Responses to Affective Virtual Coach Design in a VR Fear of Heights Consultation. To be published in Proc. CHI EA '25.
  • Tang, C., Venkatraj, K. P., Liu, B., Schneegass, C., Huisman, G., and El Ali, A. (2025). Dark Haptics: Exploring Manipulative Haptic Design in Mobile User Interfaces. To be published in Proc. CHI EA '25.
  • Ooms, S., Lee, M., Stepanova, E., Cesar, P., and El Ali, A. (2025). Haptic Biosignals Affect Proxemics Toward Virtual Reality Agents. To be published in Proc. CHI '25.
  • Mitrevska, T., Tag, B., Perusquía-Hernández, M., Arinobu, N., Sidenmark, L., Solovey, E., El Ali, A., Mayer, S., and Chiossi, F. (2025). SIG PhysioCHI: Human-Centered Physiological Computing in Practice. [Special Interest Group]. To be published in Proc. CHI EA ’25. website
  • Ali Salah, A. & El Ali, A. (2025). Affective User Interfaces. Forthcoming in the Handbook of Human Computer Interaction.


  • Kruijthoff, M., El Ali, A., Verma, H., Günther, S., Jansen, K. (2024). MobiTouch: Enhancing Pneumatic Wearable Haptics with Vibrotactile Actuation. [Demo]. In Adj. Proc. MUM 2024. doi [Best Demo Award]
  • Stepanova, E. R., Haynes, A. C., Vidal, L. T., Chiossi, F., El Ali, A., Quintero, L., Luft, Y., Woytuk, N. C., Mayer, S. (2024). Envisioning Ubiquitous Biosignal Interaction with Multimedia. [Workshop]. In Adj. Proc. MUM 2024 doi website
  • El Ali, A., Venkatraj, K., Morosoli, S., Naudts, L., Helberger, N., and Cesar, P. (2024). Transparent AI Disclosure Obligations: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How. In Proc. CHI EA ’24. doi pdf
  • Elagroudy, P., Li, J., Väänänen, K., Lukowicz, P., Ishii, H., Mackay, W., Churchill, E., Peters, A., Oulasvirta, A., Prada, R., Diening, A., Barbareschi, G., Gruenerbl, A., Kawaguchi, M., El Ali, A., Draxler, F., Welsch, R., and Schmidt, A. (2024). Transforming HCI Research Cycles using Generative AI and “Large Whatever Models” (LWMs). [Special Interest Group]. In Proc. CHI '24' EA. doi pdf
  • Li, J., Cao, H., Lin, L., Hou, Y., Zhu, R., and El Ali, A. (2024). User Experience Design Professionals’ Perceptions of Generative Artificial Intelligence. In Proc. CHI ’24. doi (open access)
  • Venkatraj, K., Meijer, W., Perusquía-Hernández, M., Huisman, G., and El Ali, A. (2024). ShareYourReality: Investigating Haptic Feedback and Agency in Virtual Avatar Co-embodiment. In Proc. CHI ’24. doi (open access) [Runner Up: Inspirational Research Practices award]
  • Ooms, S., Cesar, P., El Ali, A., Ceolin, D., Hollink, L., Slokom, M., Pauwels, E., Robu, V., Poutre, H. (2024). Technological Innovation in the Media Sector: Understanding Current Practices and Unraveling Opportunities. [Case Study]. In Proc. CHI EA ’24. doi pdf
  • Chiossi, F., Stepanova, E. R., Tag, B., Perusquía-Hernández, M., Kitson, A., Dey, A., Mayer, S., and El Ali, A. (2024). PhysioCHI: Towards Best Practices for Integrating Physiological Signals in HCI. [Workshop]. In Proc. CHI EA ’24. doi pdf website
  • Ooms, S., Röggla, T., Cesar, P., and El Ali, A. (2024). Augmenting Media Experiences with Affective Haptics. In Interactions (Volume 3, Issue 2). doi pdf
  • Li, J. & El Ali, A. (2024). CHI NL at CHI 2024. Booklet. digital version


  • El Ali, A., Ney, R., M.C. van Berlo, Z., and Cesar, P. (2023). Is that my Heartbeat? Measuring and Understanding Modality-dependent Cardiac Interoception in Virtual Reality. In IEEE TVCG Journal (ISMAR '23). doi pdf
  • Rao, S., Wirjopawiro, S., Pons Rodriguez, G., Röggla, T., Cesar, P. and El Ali, A. (2023). Affective Driver-Pedestrian Interaction: Exploring Driver Affective Responses Toward Pedestrian Crossing Actions Using Camera and Physiological Sensors. In Proc. AutomotiveUI '23. doi (open access)
  • Robu, V., Ooms, S., El Ali, A., Cesar, P., Ceolin, D., Hollink, L., Pauwels, E., La Poutré, H. (2023). Overview of the Netherlands AI, Media and Democracy Lab. DemocrAI workshop @IJCAI ’23. workshop website
  • Ansah, A., Zhong, S., Constantinides, M., Verma, H., El Ali, A., Alavi, H., Lushnikova, A., Rintel, S., and Kun, A. (2023). Rethinking Hybrid Events in the Future of Work: A Hybrid Workshop for Creating a Better Hybrid World. In CHIWORK ’23 (workshop). program
  • Rao, S., Ghosh, S., Pons Rodriguez, G., Röggla, T., Cesar, P. and El Ali, A. (2023). From Video to Hybrid Simulator: Exploring Affective Responses toward Non-Verbal Pedestrian Crossing Actions using Camera and Physiological Sensors. In Proc. IJHCI. doi (open access)
  • Verma, H., Constantinides, M., Zhong, S., and El Ali, A. (2023). The future of hybrid work is blended and interpersonal. ACM Interactions. Blog. May, 2023. article
  • Bota, P., Zhang, T., El Ali, A., Fred, A., da Silva, H. A., and Cesar, P. (2023). Group Synchrony for Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals. In IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. doi preprint
  • Stepanova, R. E., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Kitson, A., Riecke, B. E., Antle, A. N., El Ali, A., Frey, J., Tsaknaki, V., and Howell, N. (2023). Designing with Biosignals: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Integrating Physiological Signals in Human-Computer Interaction. Workshop. To be published in DIS EA '23. workshop website doi preprint
  • Stepanova, R. E., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Riecke, B. E., Huisman, G., and El Ali, A. (2023). Human Bodies as Interaction Materials for Somatic, Social, and Multisensory Virtual Reality Experiences. Workshop position paper. Presented at Body x Materials CHI '23 Workshop pdf
  • El Ali, A. (2023). Designing for Affective Augmentation: Assistive, Harmful, or Unfamiliar? Position paper. Presented at the Assistive Augmentation workshop at Augmented Humans 2023. doi (arXiv)
  • Ooms, S., Lee, M., Cesar, P., and El Ali, A. (2023). FeelTheNews: Augmenting Affective Perceptions of News Videos with Thermal and Vibrotactile Stimulation. In Proc. CHI EA ’23. doi preprint preview video video
  • El Ali, A., Stepanova, R. E., Palande, S., Mader, A., Cesar, P., and Jansen, K. (2023). BreatheWithMe: Exploring Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Social Breath Awareness during Colocated, Collaborative Tasks. In Proc. CHI EA ’23. doi preprint preview video video
  • Ansah, A., Vivacqua, A., Zhong, S., Boll, S., Constantinides, M., Verma, H., El Ali, A., Lushnikova, A., Alavi, H., Rintel, S., Kun, A., Shaer, O., Cox, A., Gerling, K., Muller, M., Rusnak, V., Machado, L., Kosch, T., CHIWORK Collective, SIGCHI Executive Committee (2023). Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learnings from a Year of Hybrid Experiences. In Proc. CHI EA ’23 (SIG). doi preprint
  • El Ali, A., Hakvoort, G., and Gadiraju, U. (2023). CHI NL at CHI 2023. Booklet. digital version


  • Perusquía-Hernández, M., El Ali, A., Abdelrahman, Y., Cornelio, P., Mandryk, R., Schirm, J., Chuang, L., Girard, J., & Soleymani, M. (2022). MEEC: Third Workshop on Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture. Workshop @ ACII 2022. website
  • Rao, S., Ghosh, S., Pons Rodriguez, G., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2022). Investigating Affective Responses toward In-Video Pedestrian Crossing Actions using Camera and Physiological Sensors. In Proc. AutomotiveUI ’22. doi (open access) preprint
  • Xue, T., El Ali, A., Viola, I., Ding, G., & Cesar, P. (2022). Designing Real-time, Continuous QoE Score Acquisition Techniques for HMD-based 360° VR Video Watching. In Proc. QoMEX 2022. doi
  • Rao, S., Resendez, V., El Ali, A. & Cesar, P. (2022). Ethical Self-Disclosing Voice User Interfaces for Delivery of News. In CUI 2022. doi (open access)
  • Montagud, M., Li, J., Cernigliaro, G., El Ali, A., Fernández, S., & Cesar, P. (2022). Towards SocialVR: Evaluating a Novel Technology for Watching Videos Together. In Springer Virtual Reality. doi
  • Zhang, T., El Ali, A., Hanjalic, A., & Cesar, P. (2022). Few-shot Learning for Fine-grained Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. doi preprint source
  • Zhang, T., El Ali, A., Wang, C., Hanjalic, A., & Cesar, P. (2022). Weakly-supervised Learning for Fine-grained Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals. In IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. doi preprint
  • Rao, S., Resendez, V., El Ali, A. & Cesar, P. (2022). Ethical Self-Disclosing Voice User Interfaces for Delivery of News. Position paper. Presented at CHI 2022 Workshop "CUI@CHI: Ethics of Conversational User Interfaces".
  • El Ali, A., Lee, S., & Cesar, P. (2022). Social Virtual Reality Avatar Biosignal Animations as Availability Status Indicators. Position paper. Presented at CHI 2022 Workshop "Social Presence in Virtual Event Spaces". doi (arXiv)
  • El Ali, A. & Cesar, P. (2022). HCI Perspectives on Emerging Emotion Self-report Acquisition Techniques. Position paper. Presented at CHI 2022 Workshop "The Future of Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction".
  • Ghosh, S., Pons Rodriguez, G., Rao, S., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2022). Exploring Emotion Responses toward Pedestrian Crossing Actions for Designing In-vehicle Empathic Interfaces. In Proc. CHI EA ’22. doi (open access) preprint
  • Lee, S.*, El Ali, A.*, Wijntjes, M., & Cesar, P. (2022). Understanding and Designing Avatar Biosignal Visualizations for Social Virtual Reality Entertainment. In Proc. CHI ’22. doi preprint source video
    * Co-first authors


  • Xue, T., El Ali, A., Zhang, T., Ding, G., & Cesar, P. (2021). CEAP-360VR: A Continuous Physiological and Behavioral Emotion Annotation Dataset for 360° Videos. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. doi preprint dataset webpage data + code
  • Furdui, A., Zhang, T., Worring, M., Cesar, P., & El Ali, A. (2021). AC-WGAN-GP: Augmenting ECG and GSR Signals using Conditional Generative Models for Arousal Classification. In Proc. UbiComp/ISWC '21 (Poster). doi preprint
  • Verma, H., Constantinides, M., Zhong, S., El Ali, A., Alavi, H. (2021). SensiBlend: Sensing Blended Experiences in Professional and Social Contexts. In Proc. UbiComp/ISWC Adj '21 (workshop). doi
  • Xue, T., El Ali, A., Ding, G., & Cesar, P. (2021). Investigating the Relationship between Momentary Emotion Self-reports and Head and Eye Movements in HMD-based 360° VR Video Watching. In Proc CHI EA '21. doi preprint
  • Xue, T., El Ali, A., Zhang, T., Ding, G., & Cesar, P. (2021). RCEA-360VR: Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation in 360° VR Videos for Collecting Precise Viewport-dependent Ground Truth Labels. In Proc CHI '21. doi preprint source code video
  • El Ali, A., Perusquía-Hernández, M., Hassib, M., Abdelrahman, Y., & Newn, J. (2021). MEEC: Second Workshop on Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture. In Proc. CHI EA ’21. doi preprint website
  • Daher, K., Capallera, M., Lucifora, C., Casas, J., Meteier, Q., El Kamali, M., El Ali, A., Mario Grosso, G., Chollet, G., Abou Khaled, O., Mugellini, E. (2021). Empathic interactions in automated vehicles #EmpathicCHI. In Proc. CHI EA ’21. doi website
  • Zhang, T., El Ali, A., Wang, C., Hanjalic, A., & Cesar, P. (2021). CorrNet: Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition for Video Watching Using Wearable Physiological Sensors. In Sensors 2021, 21(1), 52. doi (open access)
  • Park, S., Oshan, T. M., El Ali, A., & Finamore, A. (2021). Are we breaking bubbles as we move? Using a large sample to explore the relationship between urban mobility and segregation. Accepted to Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS). preprint doi


  • Xue, T., El Ali, A., Ding, G., & Cesar, P. (2020). Annotation Tool for Precise Emotion Ground Truth Label Acquisition While Watching 360-degree VR Videos. In Proc. IEEE AIVR '20 Demos. doi
  • Pons Rodriguez, G., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2020). ET-CycleGAN: Generating Thermal Images from Images in the Visible Spectrum for Facial Emotion Recognition. In Proc. ICMI ’20 Companion. doi pdf
  • Xue, T., Ghosh, S., Ding, G., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2020). Designing Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation Techniques for 360° VR Videos. In Proc. CHI ’20 LBW. doi pdf video
  • El Ali, A., Yang, X., Ananthanarayan, S., Röggla, T., Jansen, J., Hartcher-O’Brien, J., Jansen, K. & Cesar, P. (2020). ThermalWear: Exploring Wearable On-chest Thermal Displays to Augment Voice Messages with Affect. In Proc. CHI ’20. doi pdf source code video
  • Zhang, T., El Ali, A., Wang, C., Hanjalic, A., & Cesar, P. (2020). RCEA: Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation for Collecting Precise Mobile Video Ground Truth Labels. In Proc. CHI ’20. doi pdf video
  • El Ali, A., Perusquía-Hernández, M., Denman, P., Abdelrahman, Y., Hassib, M., Meschtscherjakov, A., Ferreira, D., & Henze, N. (2020). MEEC: First Workshop on Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture. In Proc. CHI EA ’20. doi pdf


  • El Ali, A., , Ashby, L., Webb, A. M., Zwitser, R. & Cesar, P. (2019). Uncovering Perceived Identification Accuracy of In-Vehicle Biometric Sensing. In Adj. Proc. AutomotiveUI 2019. doi pdf
  • Zhang, T., El Ali, A., , Wang, C., Zhu, X., & Cesar, P. (2019). CorrFeat: Correlation-based Feature Extraction Algorithm using Skin Conductance and Pupil Diameter for Emotion Recognition. In Proc. ICMI 2019. doi pdf
  • Rao, S., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2019). DeepSleep: A Ballistocardiographic Deep Learning Approach for Classifying Sleep Stages. In Proc. UbiComp 2019 Adjunct. doi pdf
  • Rao, S., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2019). DeepSleep: A Ballistocardiographic Deep Learning Approach for Classifying Sleep Stages. In ICT.OPEN 2019. [2nd poster prize award]
  • De Simone, F., Li, J., El Ali, A., Debarba, H., Gunkel, S., & Cesar, P. (2019). Watching videos together in social Virtual Reality: an experimental study on user’s QoE. In Proc. IEEE VR (Poster). doi pdf
  • Li, J., Kong, Y., Röggla, T., De Simone, F., Ananthanarayan, S., de Ridder, H., El Ali, A., & Cesar, P. (2019). Measuring and Understanding Photo Sharing Experiences in Social Virtual Reality. In Proc. CHI '19. doi pdf Social VR Questionnaires video
  • Matviienko, A., Ananthanarayan, S., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2019). NaviBike: Comparing Unimodal Navigation Cues for Child Cyclists. In Proc. CHI '19. doi pdf


  • Matviienko, A., Feld, Y, El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2018). Designing Metaphor-based Ambient Tangible Artifacts to Support Workspace Awareness. In i-com - Journal of Interactive Media. pdf doi bib
    author = {Matviienko, Andrii AND El Ali, Abdallah AND Hilmer, Christin AND Feld, Yannick AND Heuten, Wilko AND Boll, Susanne},
    title = {Designing Metaphor-Based Ambient Tangible Artifacts to Support Workspace Awareness},
    journal = {i-com},
    volume = {17},
    number = {3},
    year = {2018},
    pages = { 219-236 }
  • Le, H. V., Meyer, S., El Ali, A., Henze, N. (2018). Machine Learning for Intelligent User Interfaces Using Keras. In Proc. MobileHCI '18 EA (Tutorial). Barcelona, Spain. pdf
  • Domhoff, D., Krick, T., Huter, K., El Ali, A., Stratmann, T. C., Wolf-Ostermann, K., & Rothgang, H. (2018). Digitale, automatisierte Analyse von Literaturdatenbanken in Public Health und Pflegewissenschaft – Quantitative Textanalyse großer Ergebnismengen mittels Topic Modeling. In Zukunft der Pflege , Tagungsband der 1. Clusterkonferenz 2018 – Innovative Technologien für die Pflege, 190–195. Retrieved June 18, 2018 from pdf
  • Grünefeld, U., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2018). Beyond Halo and Wedge: Visualizing Out-of-View Objects on Head-mounted Virtual and Augmented Reality Devices. In Proc. MobileHCI '18. Barcelona, Spain. pdf doi bib
     author = {Gruenefeld, Uwe and Ali, Abdallah El and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko},
     title = {Beyond Halo and Wedge: Visualizing Out-of-view Objects on Head-mounted Virtual and Augmented Reality Devices},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
     series = {MobileHCI '18},
     year = {2018},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-5898-9},
     location = {Barcelona, Spain},
     pages = {40:1--40:11},
     articleno = {40},
     numpages = {11},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3229434.3229438},
     acmid = {3229438},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {Halo, Wedge, augmented reality, head-mounted, off-screen, out-of-view, virtual reality, visualization technique},
  • Grünefeld, U., Stratmann, T., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2018). RadialLight: Exploring Radial Peripheral LEDs for Direction Cues in Head-Mounted Displays. In Proc. MobileHCI '18. Barcelona, Spain. pdf doi bib
     author = {Gruenefeld, Uwe and Stratmann, Tim Claudius and Ali, Abdallah El and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko},
     title = {RadialLight: Exploring Radial Peripheral LEDs for Directional Cues in Head-mounted Displays},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
     series = {MobileHCI '18},
     year = {2018},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-5898-9},
     location = {Barcelona, Spain},
     pages = {39:1--39:6},
     articleno = {39},
     numpages = {6},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3229434.3229437},
     acmid = {3229437},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {LEDs, augmented reality, directional cues, head-mounted displays, peripheral display, virtual reality, wide field-of-view},
  • El Ali, A., Stratmann, T., Park, S., Schöning, J., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2018). Measuring, Understanding, and Classifying News Media Sympathy on Twitter after Crisis Events. In Proc. CHI '18. Montréal, Canada. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Stratmann, Tim C. and Park, Souneil and Sch\"{o}ning, Johannes and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne C.J.},
     title = {Measuring, Understanding, and Classifying News Media Sympathy on Twitter After Crisis Events},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
     series = {CHI '18},
     year = {2018},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-5620-6},
     location = {Montreal QC, Canada},
     pages = {556:1--556:13},
     articleno = {556},
     numpages = {13},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3173574.3174130},
     acmid = {3174130},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {crisis informatics, cross-cultural, crowdsourcing, news media bias, nlp, sentiment analysis, sympathy, twitter},


  • Grünefeld, U., Ennenga, D., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2017). EyeSee360: Designing a Visualization Technique for Out-of-view Objects in Head-mounted Augmented Reality. In Proc. SUI '17. Brighton, UK. [Best paper honorable mention] pdf doi bib
     author = {Gruenefeld, Uwe and Ennenga, Dag and Ali, Abdallah El and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {EyeSee360: Designing a Visualization Technique for Out-of-view Objects in Head-mounted Augmented Reality},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Spatial User Interaction},
     series = {SUI '17},
     year = {2017},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-5486-8},
     location = {Brighton, United Kingdom},
     pages = {109--118},
     numpages = {10},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3131277.3132175},
     acmid = {3132175},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {augmented reality, head-mounted, off-screen, out-of-view, peripheral awareness, visualization techniques},
  • Grünefeld, U., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2017). Visualizing Out-of-view Objects in Head-mounted Augmented Reality. In Proc. MobileHCI '17 EA. Vienna, Austria. pdf doi bib
             author = {Gruenefeld, Uwe and Ali, Abdallah El and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
             title = {Visualizing Out-of-view Objects in Head-mounted Augmented Reality},
             booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
             series = {MobileHCI '17},
             year = {2017},
             isbn = {978-1-4503-5075-4},
             location = {Vienna, Austria},
             pages = {81:1--81:7},
             articleno = {81},
             numpages = {7},
             url = {},
             doi = {10.1145/3098279.3122124},
             acmid = {3122124},
             publisher = {ACM},
             address = {New York, NY, USA},
             keywords = {augmented reality, head-mounted, off-screen, out-of-view objects, peripheral awareness, visualization techniques},
  • El Ali, A., Wallbaum, T., Wasmann, M., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2017). Face2Emoji: Using Facial Emotional Expressions to Filter Emojis. In Proc. CHI '17 EA. Denver, CO, USA. pdf doi bib
                 author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Wallbaum, Torben and Wasmann, Merlin and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne CJ},
                 title = {Face2Emoji: Using Facial Emotional Expressions to Filter Emojis},
                 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
                 series = {CHI EA '17},
                 year = {2017},
                 isbn = {978-1-4503-4656-6},
                 location = {Denver, Colorado, USA},
                 pages = {1577--1584},
                 numpages = {8},
                 url = {},
                 doi = {10.1145/3027063.3053086},
                 acmid = {3053086},
                 publisher = {ACM},
                 address = {New York, NY, USA},
                 keywords = {crowdsourcing, emoji, emotion recognition, face2emoji, facial expression, input, keyboard, text entry},
  • Koelle, M., El Ali, A., Cobus, V., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2017). All about Acceptability? - Identifying Factors for the Adoption of Data Glasses. In Proc. CHI '17. Denver, CO, USA. pdf doi bib
             author = {Koelle, Marion and El Ali, Abdallah and Cobus, Vanessa and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne CJ},
             title = {All About Acceptability?: Identifying Factors for the Adoption of Data Glasses},
             booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
             series = {CHI '17},
             year = {2017},
             isbn = {978-1-4503-4655-9},
             location = {Denver, Colorado, USA},
             pages = {295--300},
             numpages = {6},
             url = {},
             doi = {10.1145/3025453.3025749},
             acmid = {3025749},
             publisher = {ACM},
             address = {New York, NY, USA},
             keywords = {Augmented Reality, Data Glasses, Public Experiences, Social Acceptability, Technology Adoption, User Acceptance},
  • Meyer, J., Wasmann, M., Heuten, W., El Ali, A., & Boll, S. (2017). Identification and Classification of Usage Patterns in Long-Term Activity Tracking. In Proc. CHI '17. Denver, CO, USA. pdf doi bib
     author = {Meyer, Jochen and Wasmann, Merlin and Heuten, Wilko and El Ali, Abdallah and Boll, Susanne C.J.},
     title = {Identification and Classification of Usage Patterns in Long-Term Activity Tracking},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
     series = {CHI '17},
     year = {2017},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4655-9},
     location = {Denver, Colorado, USA},
     pages = {667--678},
     numpages = {12},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3025453.3025690},
     acmid = {3025690},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {activity monitoring, activity tracker, longitudinal use, quantitative analysis, usage patterns},


  • Cobus, V., Bräuer, N., Pistoor, A., Precht, H., El Ali, A., & Boll, S. (2016). Badum Tss! - A Paper-based Interaction to Augment Everyday Situations with Sound Effects. In Adj. Proc. NordiCHI '16. Gothenburg, Sweden. doi bib
     author = {Cobus, Vanessa and Br\"{a}uer, Nikolai and Pistoor, Armin and Precht, Hauke and Ali, Abdallah El and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {Badum Tss!: A DIY Paper-based Interaction to Augment Everyday Situations with Sound Effects},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction},
     series = {NordiCHI '16},
     year = {2016},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4763-1},
     location = {Gothenburg, Sweden},
     pages = {94:1--94:6},
     articleno = {94},
     numpages = {6},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2971485.2996729},
     acmid = {2996729},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {Paper-based interaction, audio controller, conductive ink, hardware design, tangible interaction},
  • Sadeghian, S., El Ali, A., Heuten, W., & Boll, S. (2016). Peripheral Light Cues for In-Vehicle Task Resumption. In Proc. NordiCHI '16. Gothenburg, Sweden. doi bib
     author = {Borojeni, Shadan Sadeghian and Ali, Abdallah El and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {Peripheral Light Cues for In-Vehicle Task Resumption},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction},
     series = {NordiCHI '16},
     year = {2016},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4763-1},
     location = {Gothenburg, Sweden},
     pages = {67:1--67:4},
     articleno = {67},
     numpages = {4},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2971485.2971498},
     acmid = {2971498},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {Resumption, in-vehicle, light displays, peripheral interaction},
  • El Ali, A., Bachour, K., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2016). Technology Literacy in Poor Infrastructure Environments: Characterizing Wayfinding Strategies in Lebanon. In Proc. MobileHCI '16. Florence, Italy. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Bachour, Khaled and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {Technology Literacy in Poor Infrastructure Environments: Characterizing Wayfinding Strategies in Lebanon},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
     series = {MobileHCI '16},
     year = {2016},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4408-1},
     location = {Florence, Italy},
     pages = {266--277},
     numpages = {12},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2935334.2935352},
     acmid = {2935352},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {HCI4D, ICT4D, Lebanon, addressing, giving directions, mapping services, mobile, navigation, strategies, wayfinding},
  • Matviienko, A., Loecken, A., El Ali, A., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2016). NaviLight: Investigating Ambient Light Displays for Turn-by-Turn Navigation in Cars. In Proc. MobileHCI '16. Florence, Italy. pdf doi bib
     author = {Matviienko, Andrii and L\"{o}cken, Andreas and El Ali, Abdallah and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {NaviLight: Investigating Ambient Light Displays for Turn-by-turn Navigation in Cars},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
     series = {MobileHCI '16},
     year = {2016},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4408-1},
     location = {Florence, Italy},
     pages = {283--294},
     numpages = {12},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2935334.2935359},
     acmid = {2935359},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {ambient displays, light-based navigation, navigation, peripheral visualization},
  • El Ali, A., Matviienko, A., Feld, Y., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2016). VapeTracker: Tracking Vapor Consumption to Help E-cigarette Users Quit. In Proc. CHI '16 EA. San Jose, CA, USA. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Matviienko, Andrii and Feld, Yannick and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne},
     title = {VapeTracker: Tracking Vapor Consumption to Help E-cigarette Users Quit},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
     series = {CHI EA '16},
     year = {2016},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-4082-3},
     location = {San Jose, California, USA},
     pages = {2049--2056},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2851581.2892318},
     acmid = {2892318},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {behavior change technology, e-cigarettes, habits, health, prototype, sensors, tracking, vapetracker, vaping},


  • El Ali, A. & Ketabdar, H. (2015). Investigating Handedness in Air Signatures for Magnetic 3D Gestural User Authentication. In Proc. MobileHCI '15 Adjunct. Copenhagen, Denmark. pdf doi bib
     author = {Ali, Abdallah El and Ketabdar, Hamed},
     title = {Investigating Handedness in Air Signatures for Magnetic 3D Gestural User Authentication},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct},
     series = {MobileHCI '15},
     year = {2015},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-3653-6},
     location = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
     pages = {704--711},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2786567.2793691},
     acmid = {2793691},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {1-handed, 2-handed, 3D gestures, Magnet, security, usability, user authentication},


  • Wolbert, M., El Ali, A. & Nack, F. (2014). CountMeIn: Evaluating Social Presence in a Collaborative Pervasive Mobile Game Using NFC and Touchscreen Interaction. In Proc. ACE '14. Madeira, Portugal. pdf doi bib
     author = {Wolbert, Michael and Ali, Abdallah El and Nack, Frank},
     title = {CountMeIn: Evaluating Social Presence in a Collaborative Pervasive Mobile Game Using NFC and Touchscreen Interaction},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology},
     series = {ACE '14},
     year = {2014},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-2945-3},
     location = {Funchal, Portugal},
     pages = {5:1--5:10},
     articleno = {5},
     numpages = {10},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2663806.2663835},
     acmid = {2663835},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {NFC, collaborative, games, pervasive, touchscreen, urban},


  • El Ali, A. (2013). Minimal Mobile Human Computer Interaction. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam. pdf
  • El Ali, A.& Ketabdar, H. (2013). Magnet-based Around Device Interaction for Playful Music Composition and Gaming. In International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI). Preprint available: pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Ketabdar, Hamed},
     title = {Magnet-Based Around Device Interaction for Playful Music Composition and Gaming},
     journal = {Int. J. Mob. Hum. Comput. Interact.},
     issue_date = {October 2013},
     volume = {5},
     number = {4},
     month = oct,
     year = {2013},
     issn = {1942-390X},
     pages = {56--80},
     numpages = {25},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.4018/ijmhci.2013100103},
     acmid = {2584425},
     publisher = {IGI Global},
     address = {Hershey, PA, USA},
     keywords = {Around Device Interaction ADI, Gaming, Magnets, Music, Playful Music Composition},
  • Wolbert, M. & El Ali, A. (2013). Evaluating NFC and Touchscreen Interactions in Collaborative Mobile Pervasive Games. In Proc. MobileHCI '13. Munich, Germany. pdf doi bib
     author = {Wolbert, Michael and El Ali, Abdallah},
     title = {Evaluating NFC and Touchscreen Interactions in Collaborative Mobile Pervasive Games},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services},
     series = {MobileHCI '13},
     year = {2013},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-2273-7},
     location = {Munich, Germany},
     pages = {522--527},
     numpages = {6},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2493190.2494430},
     acmid = {2494430},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {collaborative, games, nfc, pervasive, touchscreen, urban},
  • El Ali, A., van Sas, S. & Nack, F. (2013). Photographer Paths: Sequence Alignment of Geotagged Photos for Exploration-based Route Planning. In proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '13), 2013, San Antonio, Texas. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and van Sas, Sicco N.A. and Nack, Frank},
     title = {Photographer Paths: Sequence Alignment of Geotagged Photos for Exploration-based Route Planning},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work},
     series = {CSCW '13},
     year = {2013},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-1331-5},
     location = {San Antonio, Texas, USA},
     pages = {985--994},
     numpages = {10},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2441776.2441888},
     acmid = {2441888},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {exploration-based route planning, geotagged photos, sequence alignment, ugc, urban computing},


  • El Ali, A., Kildal, J. & Lantz, V. (2012). Fishing or a Z?: Investigating the Effects of Error on Mimetic and Alphabet Device-based Gesture Interaction. In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '12), 2012, Santa Monica, California. [Best student paper award] pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Kildal, Johan and Lantz, Vuokko},
     title = {Fishing or a Z?: Investigating the Effects of Error on Mimetic and Alphabet Device-based Gesture Interaction},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction},
     series = {ICMI '12},
     year = {2012},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-1467-1},
     location = {Santa Monica, California, USA},
     pages = {93--100},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2388676.2388701},
     acmid = {2388701},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {alphabet gestures, device-based gesture interaction, errors, mimetic gestures, usability, workload},
  • Bouwer, A., Nack, F. & El Ali, A. (2012). Lost in Navigation: Evaluating a Mobile Map App for a Fair. In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '12), 2012, Santa Monica, California. pdf doi bib
     author = {Bouwer, Anders and Nack, Frank and El Ali, Abdallah},
     title = {Lost in Navigation: Evaluating a Mobile Map App for a Fair},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction},
     series = {ICMI '12},
     year = {2012},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-1467-1},
     location = {Santa Monica, California, USA},
     pages = {173--180},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2388676.2388712},
     acmid = {2388712},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {friend finding, indoor localization, location-based services, mobile maps, navigational aids, pedestrian wayfinding},


  • El Ali, A., Nack, F. & Hardman, L. (2011). Good Times?! 3 Problems and Design Considerations for Playful HCI. In International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI), 3, 3, p.50-65. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Nack, Frank and Hardman, Lynda},
     title = {Good Times?!: 3 Problems and Design Considerations for Playful HCI},
     journal = {Int. J. Mob. Hum. Comput. Interact.},
     issue_date = {July 2011},
     volume = {3},
     number = {3},
     month = jul,
     year = {2011},
     issn = {1942-390X},
     pages = {50--65},
     numpages = {16},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.4018/jmhci.2011070104},
     acmid = {2605321},
     publisher = {IGI Global},
     address = {Hershey, PA, USA},
     keywords = {Context-Awareness, Location-Aware Multimedia Messages, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Playful Experiences, Playful HCI},
  • Holopainen, J., Lucero, A., Saarenpää, H., Nummenmaa, El Ali, A. & Jokela, T. (2011). Social and Privacy Aspects of a System for Collaborative Public Expression. In Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'11), Lisbon, Portugal. pdf doi bib
     author = {Holopainen, Jussi and Lucero, Andr{\'e}s and Saarenp\"{a}\"{a}, Hannamari and Nummenmaa, Timo and El Ali, Abdallah and Jokela, Tero},
     title = {Social and Privacy Aspects of a System for Collaborative Public Expression},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology},
     series = {ACE '11},
     year = {2011},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-0827-4},
     location = {Lisbon, Portugal},
     pages = {23:1--23:8},
     articleno = {23},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/2071423.2071452},
     acmid = {2071452},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {collaborative interaction, evaluation, mobile phones, public interfaces, social context},
  • El Ali, A., Lucero, A. & Aaltonen, V. (2011). Multimodal Interaction Design in Collocated Mobile Phone Use. In MobileHCI '11. MobileGestures workshop, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. pdf
  • El Ali, A. (2011). Studying and Designing for Mobile Social Awareness Cues in Urban Interactions. In MobileHCI '11 Extended Abstracts (Doctoral Consortium), Stockholm, Sweden. pdf


  • El Ali, A., Nack, F. & Hardman, L. (2010). Understanding contextual factors in location-aware multimedia messaging. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-MLMI '10), 2010, Beijing, China. pdf doi bib
     author = {El Ali, Abdallah and Nack, Frank and Hardman, Lynda},
     title = {Understanding Contextual Factors in Location-aware Multimedia Messaging},
     booktitle = {International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction},
     series = {ICMI-MLMI '10},
     year = {2010},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-0414-6},
     location = {Beijing, China},
     pages = {22:1--22:8},
     articleno = {22},
     numpages = {8},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/1891903.1891933},
     acmid = {1891933},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {context-aware systems, contextual factors, experience-centered framework, location-aware multimedia messaging (LMM)},
  • Nack, F., El Ali, A., van Kemenade, P., Overgoor, J. and van der Weij., B. (2010). A story to go, please. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS '10), 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf doi bib
    author="Nack, Frank
    and El Ali, Abdallah
    and van Kemenade, Philo
    and Overgoor, Jan
    and van der Weij, Bastiaan",
    editor="Aylett, Ruth
    and Lim, Mei Yii
    and Louchart, Sandy
    and Petta, Paolo
    and Riedl, Mark",
    title="A Story to Go, Please",
    bookTitle="Interactive Storytelling: Third Joint Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2010, Edinburgh, UK, November 1-3, 2010. Proceedings",
    publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
    address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
    abstract="In this paper we present an approach for an association-based story environment, in which a priori unrelated experiences represented in images, are stitched together to guide users through interesting city spaces. We describe the associative stories generated by this system, and outline how the notion of 'hypespot' facilitates linking the real world with the structure of the story. We outline the overall architecture of the system and provide a generated story example.",
  • El Ali, A., Nack, F. & Hardman, L. (2010). Good Times?! Playful Aspects of Location-based Experience Capture. MobileHCI '10. Please Enjoy workshop, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. [Best workshop paper] pdf


  • El Ali, A. & Nack, F. (2009). Touring in a Living Lab: some methodological considerations. MobileHCI '09. Mobile Living Labs 09 workshop, Bonn, Germany. pdf


  • Saskia van de Ven, Rinke Hoekstra, Joost Breuker, Lars Wortel, and Abdallah El-Ali. Judging Amy: Automated legal assessment using OWL 2. In Proceedings of OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2008 EU), October 2008. pdf
  • Abdallah El Ali. Reproducing the Passage of Time: Effects of Stimulus Complexity, Quantity, and Cognitive Interference. Master's thesis Cognitive Science, CSCA, University of Amsterdam, 2008. pdf
  • Joost Breuker, Saskia van de Ven, Abdallah El Ali, Marc Bron, Szymon Klarman, Uros Milosevic, Lars Wortel and Andras Forhecz. Developing HARNESS. Deliverable 4.6/3b. Technical report, ESTRELLA, 2008.
  • Joost Breuker, Patries Kordelaar, Abdallah El Ali, Marc Bron, Szymon Klarman, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics, Saskia van de Ven, Tom van Engers, Ulrike Liss and Sean Reardon. Comparing models of EU directive 90/434/eec. Deliverable 2.5. Technical report, ESTRELLA, 2008.


  • Marc Bron, Abdallah El Ali, Xingrui Ji, Szymon Klarman. Modeling Nomic in LKIF-core ontology. Technical report, ESTRELLA, 2007. pdf
